Sunday 13 July 2008

Brain strokes can have the same effect

Gamma waves are seen in, besides some psychotic and drug-taking individuals, by those suffering brain damage. At those levels of frequency, many things beyond the 'normal' experiences of people are accessible. Unfortunately a lot of such people are called madmen and relegated in a society that celebrates monotonous 'standardised' norms of behaviour as 'normalcy'. Magic and myths are gone, and science and rational logic are principally responsible for this state of play. Interestingly, brain damage through stroke, etc can also lead to a state where there is greater dominance of one region or the brain than another. This works in a way slightly different from epilepsy, where rather than abnormal and excessive connections between different brain regions, giving rise to altered perceptions and experiences, there is ‘silence’ in one brain region which allows another brain region to become ‘audible’. The following video tells us how.