Wednesday 17 February 2010

The woebegone Indian cop

Now I've nothing against cops in India. I have however major problems with the police big-wigs who manage the cops on the beat. The poor public image of the Indian policeman is due largely to the lack of traning, proper equipment, standard clothing during winter months, amenities promised in their job profiles but denied by their senior officers and most importantly, the manner in which their officers remain callous and indifferent to their requirments. Read on

The Maoist Menace in India

The Maoist problem in India has assumed gigantic proportions. Just yesterday 25 policemen were killed in broad daylight by armed Maoist guerillas in the eastern state of West Bengal, a hotbed of extreme-left wing activity. I recently wrote an article which created passions on both sides, which I'd like to share with you all. Do let me know what you think about this problem and express your views about my analysis - good, bad or ugly; all welcome.