Sunday 6 July 2008

The randomness of our Existence

Its all random, what we think and how we feel, if and only if, we don’t carry baggage and pre-conceived notions and viewpoints. Schrodinger's cat and existence in multiple domains and multiverses become eerily common sensical. Patients with schizophrenia often report having a double in another world, in another universe, who is an exact replica of the person but living a different world with different experiences. I had such a patient who said that the 'two' were connected by 'an arc' which is drew like a rainbow with altered perspectives much like the Moebius strip. He also claimed alien abduction and implants in his head. One can wish it away as a form of madness, but I offer the following differentials. Option 1: He was telling the truth and just because we haven’t found alien forms yet, does not mean they don’t exist. If that proposition is true, then he lives in multiverses, or at the very least experiences phenomena that most of us don’t. There are many Discovery channel reports that ask more questions about this than answer. Watch the following video in the next post

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